Our Commitment 我们的承诺 Sustained Growth is fundamental to motivating and measuring our success. Our quest for sustained growth stimulates innovation, places a value on results, and helps us understand whether today’s actions will contribute to our future. It is about growth of people and company performance. It prioritizes making a difference and getting things done. 持续增长是百事成功的根本动力和衡量标准。在追求持续增长的过程中,我们鼓励创新、注重实效,并可以了解今天的行为是否对公司未来产生影响。实现持续增长意味着员工的发展和公司业绩的提高,其优先追求的目标是获得发展、取得实效。 Empowered People means we have the freedom to act and think in ways that we feel will get the job done, while being consistent with the processes that ensure proper governance and being mindful of the rest of the company’s needs. 人尽其力指的是在管理得当、顾全公司大局的前提下,百事公司员工能够自主地行动和思考,以实现既定目标。 Responsibility and Trust form the foundation for healthy growth. It’s about earning the confidence that other people place in us as individuals and as a company. Our responsibility means we take personal and corporate ownership for all we do, to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us. We build trust between ourselves and others by walking the talk and being committed to succeeding together. 恪尽职守和建立诚信,是健康增长的基础。它意味着我们作为个人和公司,要赢得他人的信任。 恪尽职守,意味着我们的行为对我们个人和公司负责,并对委托给我们的资源进行有效的管理。我们通过征求意见、争取共同成功建立与他人的相互信任。 Guiding Principles 指导原则 Care for customers, consumers and the world we live in. We are driven by an intense, competitive spirit in the marketplace, but we direct this spirit toward solutions that achieve a win for each of our constituents as well as a win for the corporation. Our success depends on a thorough understanding of our customers, consumers and communities. Caring means going the extra mile. Essentially, this is a spirit of growing rather than taking. 关爱客户、消费者及我们赖以生存的世界——百事公司以强烈的市场竞争精神为动力,但是竞争的目的是为百事及与其相关联的个人和团体带来双赢。百事的成功取决于对客户、消费者及社区的深入了解。关爱也就意味着百事要为其利益进行不懈的努力。从根本上说,百事恪守的精神是增长而不是索取。 Sell only products we can be proud of. The test of our standards is that we must be able to personally endorse our products without reservation and consume them ourselves. This principle extends to every part of the business. 只销售我们引以为豪的产品——百事产品标准的关键一条是,我们的产品能够得到员工毫无保留的喜爱及消费。这一原则贯穿于从原材料购买到产品消费的所有业务环节。 Speak with truth and candor. We speak up, telling the whole picture, not just what is convenient to achieving individual goals. In addition to being clear, honest and accurate, we take responsibility to ensure our communications are understood. 表达意见真实坦率——我们在表达意见时力求全面,而不是局限于以实现某一目标为目的。在做到清晰、诚实、准确的同时,我们还确保我们的意见为人所理解。 Balance short term and long term. We make decisions that hold both short-term and long-term risks and benefits in balance over time. Without this balance, we cannot achieve the goal of sustainable growth. 兼顾近期与远期目标——我们的决策着眼于近期和远期风险及利益。如果两者得不到兼顾,可持续发展的目标是不可能实现的。 Win with diversity and inclusion. We leverage a work environment that embraces people with diverse backgrounds, traits and different ways of thinking. This leads to innovation, the ability to identify new market opportunities, all of which helps develop new products and drives our ability to sustain our commitments to growth through empowered people. 多元文化、兼收并蓄——百事的工作环境适合各具特点、思维方式各异的员工。这样做有利于创新及培养发现新市场机遇的能力,有助于开发新产品、提高通过人尽其力实现增长目标的能力。 Respect others and succeed together. This company is built on individual excellence and personal accountability, but no one can achieve our goals by acting alone. We need great people who also have the capability of working together, whether in structured teams or informal collaboration. Mutual success is absolutely dependent on treating everyone who touches the business with respect, inside and outside the company. A spirit of fun, our respect for others and the value we put on teamwork make us a company people enjoy being part of, and this enables us to deliver world-class performance. 尊重他人、共同成功——百事公司的员工优秀、尽责,但各自为政不能实现公司的目标。我们需要有协作精神的优秀人才,不论在职责分明的团队还是非正式合作的场合都能够与他人协作。共同成功完全取决于对本行业的人以尊重相待,不论对方是否属于百事公司。我们尊重他人、注重团队协作,这也是一种快乐的精神,它使百事成为人们乐于加入的公司,也是我们能够实现世界一流业绩的原因。 |